To create a thriving and sustainable tourism industry that establishes Svaneti as a globally
recognized and sought-after destination offering exceptional winter and summer
experiences for adventure-seeking travelers, which brings economic prosperity to the
region while preserving its unique cultural heritage and natural beauty.
Action Plan
The Action Plan is a crucial component of a destination development strategy because it catalyzes implementation. It outlines the specific steps, activities, and timelines required to achieve the objectives and goals set forth in the strategy. The purpose of the action plan is to provide a roadmap that guides the coordinated efforts of various stakeholders towards the successful execution of the destination development strategy.
Strategic partnerships play a vital role in the action plan as they enable collaboration and cooperation among different organizations, agencies, and entities involved in the destination development process. These partnerships can involve public and private sector entities, community organizations, tourism business clusters, local businesses, and other relevant stakeholders. By establishing strategic partnerships, the destination development initiative can leverage the strengths, resources, and expertise of each partner, leading to a more holistic and effective implementation process.
In addition to the relevant government offices, ShanLand - the Svaneti DMO will act as a key player in facilitating the strategic partnerships, while driving the vision, conversation and implementation plan forward. The DMO is responsible for many of the interventions outlined in the plan and may also fill the point of contact role for engaging International Development and Aid programs.
The following action plan matrix is a tool used to outline and organize the various elements of the strategy. It takes the strategic objectives (SO) and interventions (SI) described as narratives in the previous section and presents them in the form of a matrix or table. This provides a more condensed and detailed view with lists of specific actions for each intervention, the responsible lead entity, estimated timeline and budget, and the results expected from the intervention.
CBT Community-Based Tourism
DMO Destination Management or Marketing Organization FIT Free/Fully Independent Traveler
GIS Geographic Information System
GNTA Georgia National Tourism Authority
ITO Inbound Tour Operator
MICE Meetings, Incentives, Conferences, Exhibitions MSME Micro, Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise
NGO Non-Governmental Organization
OTA Online Travel Agency
PPP Public Private Partnership
SAVE Scientific, Academic, Volunteer and Educational
TO Tour Operator
LEPL Legal Entity of Public Law
UNWTO United Nations World Tourism Organization USAID United States Agency for International Development